Daddie(1 / 1)


the deuks dang o'er my daddie

the bairns gat out wi' an unco shout,

the deuks dang o'er my daddie, o!

the fien-ma-care, quo' the feirrie auld wife,

he was but a paidlin' body, o!

he paidles out, and he paidles in,

rn' he paidles late and early, o!

this seven lang years i hae lien by his side,

an' he is but a fusionless carlie, o.

o haud your tongue, my feirrie auld wife,

o haud your tongue, now nansie, o:

i've seen the day, and sae hae ye,

ye wad na ben sae donsie, o.

i've seen the day ye butter'd my brose,

and cuddl'd me late and early, o;

but downa-do's come o'er me now,

and oh, i find it sairly, o!

